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C is for Corpse Reviver No. 2

A complicated drink for a somewhat boozy little number.  Gin, Cointreau, Vermouth and a tiniest hint of Absinthe (why I chose it – look at that bottle and you can see roughly how long it’s been there) combine to form a very nice and zesty cocktail.

The, little bit dusty, ingredients from the cupboards.

Corpse Reviver

That Hill’s bottle hasn’t been out for a while. With good reason.

And the finished result. With a twist of lemon peel as I went all classy.

In all it's zesty glory

The Verdict

Really lemony. I was surprised at just home much it took over the flavour of the drink with all that spirit in it. The absinthe was a relatively small amount in comparison and adds a little something. Nice to have it in something where it doesn’t overpower everything.  Emma’s verdict was that it was not as harsh as you’d think bearing in mind all the ingredients involved ‘like a sharp margarita’.  Would have again.